> LLP



Registration process

Obtain DSC

Apply DIN

Name approval

Incorporation of LLP

File LL Agreement

FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

Yes, Regardless of the products or services they provide, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) must pay Goods and Services Tax (GST). LLPs need to register for GST and submit GST returns on a regular basis.
Regarding the relationship between the various partners in the LLP, an LLP agreement is made between the partners and the LLP. An LLP agreement typically includes management guidelines, provisions for adding new partners, methods for formulating policy, etc.
To form an LLP, at least two individuals (called Designated Partners) must be appointed. The individuals must be aged 18 or above and must possess a valid Indian address. Designated Partners can be individuals or bodies corporate (such as companies). Foreign nationals, foreign corporate bodies and limited liability partnerships can also be appointed as Designated Partners.
Designated Partner Identification Number is a unique identification number that is assigned to all existing and proposed Designated partners of an LLP. All the present or proposed Directors must have a DPIN.
An existing partnership firm or a Company that is unlisted can be converted into an LLP. This conversion into an LLP brings in many benefits.

LLP Agreement is an agreement executed by all partners after LLP incorporation in India. The agreement prescribes all the clauses related to business, including the rights, roles, duties, and responsibilities of partners in LLP. The agreement must be filed within 30 days of the issue of a certificate of incorporation. Failure to do so will charge an additional fee of ₹ 100 per day till the date of filing.


The amount of capital contribution is taken into consideration in deciding the stamp duty on the LLP Agreement in India. The rate of stamp duty varies from State to State. The State Stamp Act will be applied depending on where the registered office is situated. The amount of ₹ 500 is included in our package cost. Further, the Notary on the Agreement is not a statutory requirement and not required by the MCA. A notary can be required by the bank officials but is not mandatory for incorporation of an LLP.


No. This process is completely online and physical presence is not needed.